Sunday, March 1, 2020

February 2020 Stock Market Update

The coronavirus COVID-19, is front and center this month as the stock market reacts to spread of the virus across the globe. Depending on what you read it's either time to panic or everyone is overreacting. The US is starting to see negative impacts and unfortunately some deaths. CNN update.

The CNN Fear and Greed indicator is at the lowest I can remember seeing it.

All of the Stage Analysis Indicators are now in the red. We most likely are entering into stage 4. StockCharts Graph Link.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

January 2020 - Stock Market Update

January is feeling some pressure from the Coronavirus which originated in China and is making its mark. This chart from the CDC shows the current nCOV locations.

World map showing countries with 2019-nCoV cases 

At this point, the market is still doing well but showing signs of some breakdown.  CNN's Fear & Greed is now in Fear after spending many weeks in the Extreme Greed side of the dial.