Sunday, September 17, 2017

Stock Market Update: Sunny Weather

The trend is still positive. Bad news takes the market down a wee bit, but so far it continues to climb back up after a couple of days.

I keep waiting for the shoe to drop and for a bear market, but perhaps this article over at Financial Sense is correct. A September correction is probably not in the cards.

The Stage Analysis indicators are still in an uptrend! 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Stock Market Update: Stage Analysis

The market seems to want to continue in the upward path it has been on for awhile. Many of the pundents and stock news sites are predicting impending doom. They might be right, but for now I believe we are in a Stage 3 Uptrend. Look at the chart below and you'll see the pattern. The Dow and NasDaq charts look very similar.

For a recap on stage analysis, look at my earlier post here